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The New England Poets

Students will learn about the Fireside Poets: James Russell Lowell, John Greenleaf Whitier, Oliver Wendel Holmes, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Students will also learn about Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.

Tuesday 2/13: Begin New England Poets Presentation preparation. Click here for the Presentation Handout.   At the end of the presentations, you are going to take an open-note test on the presentations; if you miss a presentation, you need to get notes from someone who saw it, read the bio in the book and the wikipedia page, and study the poem presented on your own. 

Wednesday: prepared for presentations. GFTD: complete bio and explication.


Thursday. continued prep for presentation. 

Tuesday, 2/20: complete preparation for presentations.

Wednesday: begin presentations. 

Thursday: Continue presentations.

Friday: Complete presentations. Open note test on unit for extra credit; there is no makeup.

Monday, 2/26: Choose best poem and grade.


Tuesday: Begin watching Mark Twain film. 

 Students take 20 Cornell Notes. The assignment is on schoology. 

Wednesday: Discuss New England Poets Unit then switch unit. 


Tuesday: Switch to next unit. 


Tuesday: 2nd and 5th hour only: Open-note test on Fireside Poets Presentations--the makeup is 3 formal, expository paragraphs answering the following questions: which poem was the best? which poet was best? and what did you learn during this unit? 4th: complete presentations. 

Friday: begin new unit. . Work on films.






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