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This contract is an agreement for all students in Mr. Lipe's classes. Each student is given a contract at the beginning of the semester.

Read the contract to familiarize yourself with class policies.

Opportunities: experience great art, learn about yourself/others, develop marketable/important skills, develop positive personal attributes.


1. If you are not here, you are responsible for checking the website to see what you missed. If you are not here you are expected to keep up w/ what we did in class that day. However, if you are incapacitated (unable to read or write due to a physical condition), then you need to explain that as soon as you are able. 

2. Do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it. 

3. Do your part in group projects.

4. Bring your device and a charger every day.

5. Bring your questions to class and ask them. Please, do not send me a message unless you are unable to attend class. 

6. Complete compliance w/ school policies: no hats, hoods, or ear phones during class.

7. Put your phone away where you cannot see it.

8. If you have to go to the bathroom, then just tell me you're going to the bathroom. Please try to go between classes when you can. 

 Positive Attributes: compassion, forgiveness, industriousness, enthusiasm, open-mindedness, alertness, courage, initiative/self-motivation, focus/intentness, friendliness/amiable, honesty, self-responsibility, reliability, humility, willingness to accept criticism, punctuality, poise, loyalty, maturity, self-control, patience.

Marketable Skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking, public speaking, cooperating, project planning, leading, following, thinking, imagining, time managing, organizing.

Attendance Grade: every student begins every semester with 50 points for class participation. Every tardy results in a loss of 3 points; every unverified or unexcused absence results in a loss of 10 points. After the 50 points are gone, additional penalties will be taken from academic points earned in other assignments.

Grades: check them  on schoology--not Tigerview.  Lesson plans are on this website which is accessible through schoology. 

Grading Scale: ten-point scale.

Late Work: everything is 10% off per school day for up to 5 days; then, everything is automatically worth a maximum of 50%. I will accept anything up to the end of the quarter. This includes electronic submissions. 

I understand and agree to abide to the aforementioned with liberty and justice for all. If you have an issue w/ any of this, you need to speak w/ me or your counselor immediately.

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