The 2019 Junior Team Tennis summer season has officially drawn to a close. For the first time in 10 years, Edwardsville Tennis Academy sponsored JTT teams, and the season was incredible! 46 players took part on 4 Academy teams over a 6-week time period.
JTT is a fantastic way for players to develop in match play. Even better, the scoring for all age groups is a format where what matters is the amount of games a team wins, not individual matches. That means every game counts, and players have to compete for every game to help their team.
The majority of players on the JTT teams take part in Edwardsville Tiger Tennis Camps or Edwardsville Tennis Academy throughout the year.
Below is the recap for each JTT summer team:
10u Orange Ball Intermediate
Coaches: Emily Cimarolli, Emma Lipe, Mike Kathriner
Players: Brandon Wong, Henry Bailey, Timmy Curran, Johnny Curran, Milo Kathriner, Estelle Borden, Dia Kannan, Emma Brown, Amelia Hill, Hailey Daunoy
Format: short set to 4 games, no-ad, coed teams, 4 singles matches & 4 doubles matches, 60-foot court with Orange ball
Season highlights: The 10u team earned 1stplace in the St. Louis District, with an undefeated 6-0 regular season, and then won the District tournament by defeating Missouri Athletic Club’s Advanced Orange Ball team. For many players it was their first time playing matches, and the season gave them experience in both singles and doubles. The matches were a great place to practice on-court confidence and teamwork skills.
12u Green Intermediate
Coaches: Emily Cimarolli, Emma Lipe
Players: Cullen Underwood, Schaefer Bates, Gabriella Hill, Anna Daunoy, Alaina Swingler, Macee Shemwell, Sophia Carruthers, Lauren Huelsing
Format: regular set to 6 games, no-ad, coed teams, 2 singles matches & 4 doubles matches, 78-foot court with Green ball
Season highlights: The 12u team finished 3rdin St. Louis with a 3-3 record. These players continued to garner match play experience in both singles and doubles against a variety of opponents across the Greater St. Louis region. The season serves as a great stepping-stone towards USTA tournaments, as players continue to develop on-court confidence and enjoy being on a team as they move toward a higher level of competition.
18u Silver Intermediate
Coaches: Emma Lipe, Logan Pursell, Emily Cimarolli
Players: Josie Steinmann, Harrison Feco, Emily Cecil, Isabelle Sitki, Taylor Frick, Jack Adamitis, Jensen Weedman, Mia Heiser, McKenzie Jacober, Ben Jenkins, Jessa Earnhart, Brooklyn Earnhart, Jacob Summers, Teddy Lopansri, Meera Bharati
Format: regular set to 6 games, no-ad, 1 girls singles, 1 boys singles, 1 girls doubles, 1 boys doubles, 2 mixed doubles, 78-foot court with Yellow ball
Season highlights: This team is comprised mainly of JV high school players and featured singles and doubles match play as preparation for high school season in a supportive team environment. Serving as a good opportunity for older players to gain court experience, players in the Silver division are expected to continue to improve, and use JTT to transition to playing USTA tournaments. The Silver team went 2-3, earning 6thplace in the St. Louis District.
18u Gold Intermediate
Coaches: Kirk Schlueter, Emily Cimarolli
Players: Jade Dynamic, Grace Hackett, Michael Karibian, Hannah Colbert, Jesse Hattrup, Tanner Pieri, Morgan Marshall, Emma Herman, Jace Ackerman, Colton Hulme, Annie McGinnis, Hayley Earnhart, Adrian Norcio, Gabriella Regalado
District/Sectionals Team: Jade Dynamic, Grace Hackett, Michael Karibian, Hannah Colbert, Jesse Hattrup, Jace Ackerman, Colton Hulme, Annie McGinnis, Hayley Earnhart
Format: regular set to 6 games, no-ad, 1 girls singles, 1 boys singles, 1 girls doubles, 1 boys doubles, 2 mixed doubles, 78-foot court with Yellow ball
Season Highlights: The Gold team went undefeated in the regular season with a 6-0 record, and won the St. Louis District tournament with wins over Vetta Concord & Creve Coeur Racket Club to advance to Missouri Valley Section Championships in Tulsa, OK. One of only 8 teams from across the Missouri Valley to qualify, players faced off against teams from Oklahoma and Kansas, finishing in 7thplace. Players on this team are advanced tournament players and high school varsity players, who use this match play to preview and practice for high school matches. With enthusiastic team spirit, these players are looking to gain additional match experience besides USTA tournaments.
All four teams did awesome in their first summer playing together; particular shout-outs to the 10u and 18u Gold teams on fantastic seasons. Please be on the lookout for information about fall and winter JTT.
Immense thanks are due to the Missouri Valley and St. Louis District for running a great summer program and providing opportunities for all levels of play in all age groups.
Extravagant praise for St. Louis Coordinator Toni McDonald, who ran a tight ship while responding within an hour every time to numerous emails from certain Edwardsville coaches.
THANK YOU to all our parents and guardians for bringing their kids to matches, and cheering and supporting all the kids in the JTT program. You helped make the atmosphere fantastic.
Finally, and most importantly, thank you to the players for a great first summer season. All of you should be proud of your development, and should use this experience as fuel to continue improving your match play skills.

So long, and thanks for all the fish! (Google it).