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Boys Handbook

4 Paws of Success


Strong Physical Presence


100% Effort


Full Responsibility


Positive Attitude



March 4, 2024


Dear Boys Tennis Families,


Thank you for taking a moment to read this letter; I'm only going to post this booklet online, and I hope you find the information posted here helpful. 


Thanks in advance for your support throughout this season, which, like all, will be filled with happiness and challenges. 14 boys chose to keep playing after tryouts this year. Therefore, we will organize the boys into a Varsity and a JV Team. On our home page, you will find a detailed schedule for both of these teams. 


Please read the following Team Handbook, especially if your son is new to our program, as it will probably answer questions, which many of you are sure to have. However, always feel free to contact me (410.3343, email: at any time. I usually prefer email unless it is a matter which needs immediate attention; in that case, don’t hesitate to call or text me.


As usual, our staff is All-Star caliber! Kirk Schlueter will be the Assistant Coach this season. You may reach Kirk at 618.791.4221 or email ( Emily Cimarolli and Mike Kathriner will also be helping out. We’re incredibly fortunate to have all of them.


We’ll try to release the guys from practice each day by 5:00; however, on challenge match days, some players’ matches could last longer. You can help by making sure your student-athlete misses as little as possible, and by picking him up on time. Also, if he needs to speak to a coach regarding anything (missing practice, for example), encourage him to make the call or set up the meeting; help us teach your son to be responsible for himself.


Once we get started, please come out and watch. Your support is appreciated by the boys, but please refrain from saying anything which might be “interpreted as coaching.” This is an IHSA violation. If you suspect a problem or feel it is urgent that you speak with your child, please notify me or any coach. If none are available, notify the site director.


Please let me know at your convenience if you’d like to help organize the banquet. Thanks and I’ll see you at the courts!




Dave Lipe, Varsity Coach






Tiger Tennis Expectations


Do your part: The EHS Tennis Program has established a unique tradition including sportsmanship, competitive greatness, and industriousness on the court and in the classroom. Each player who chooses to join this team owes it to the players who established this precedent, to the players who will enjoy it in the future, and to his/her current teammates, to uphold these high standards.


It has taken a long time and immeasurable effort to get where we are; we continue to improve.


Punctuality: “Don’t be on time, be early.”


Attendance: Players are expected to attend every team event specified by the coaches including all practices.


Players unable to attend a meeting, practice, match or any other function are expected to communicate their absence themselves in a timely manner beforehand.


Daily Practice Routine: Players are expected to mentally focus during practice. Players will be in the room by 2:15 dressed for tennis with a full water jug. Players will be dismissed by 5:00; the only time their practice will run longer is if they're playing a challenge match.


Attitude: Players are expected to support the coaches and teammates on and off the court. Players are expected to respectfully address concerns privately and directly to coaches or other players. Not respecting or liking each other at the end of the season is the worst kind of failure. Furthermore, Tigers are required to respect their opponents (including everyone associated with them) and the sport of tennis.


Academics: Students must pass a minimum of 5 classes in the fall to be eligible in the spring. During the tennis season, players must be eligible on Friday to be eligible the next week.


During Matches: Tigers will stay in uniform until the team match is completed. Players will also only wear team-approved apparel. Players are never permitted to leave the match site without notifying a coach. At the conclusion of matches, players may ride home with their parents but no one else—ever without prior documented consent.


Players who fail to show progress in meeting expectations may be removed from the team.



  1. All challenge matches will be considered in determining lineups, along with player’s performances in matches and practice performance.

  2. Doubles partners will be paired by the coaches based on skill level, playing style, ladder position, match performances, and practice performances.

  3. The challenge ladder is a guide; it is not an absolute.

  4. Players unable to play a challenge match may have to forfeit.



To Earn a Varsity Letter…one must have played for the Varsity team on 8 dates, i.e. a two-day tournament would count as 2 dates, and dual match with another team or a one-day tournament would count for 1. Players injured, or seniors not qualifying for 8 dates may be considered. Players not earning a Varsity Letter, earn the following, freshmen: numerals, sophomores: scripts, juniors: small E’s.





Out of Area Travel Plans, Spring 2025



Thursday-Saturday, March 27-29. Chattanooga National Invitational. (Top 8 or Top 4 Doubles). Leave from EHS at 9:30 am. on Thursday (after 2nd hour). (w/ Coach Stuart). Play twice on Friday and once on Saturday morning. Return Saturday evening. 

TownePlace Suites Chattanooga Near Hamilton Place, 7010 McCutcheon Road Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421 USA. 

5 Rooms Reserved. 423-834-9444.


Friday-Saturday, April 11-12.   Dual with Conant and Hersey Tournament.  

(top 11 or 12 w/ Coach Karibian). Leave from EHS at 8:30 a.m. Play Conant in a dual on Friday, Time TBA. The Hersey tournament schedule is TBA. 


Then, Saturday, play in the Hersey tournament: dual match tournament--3 singles and 4 doubles. 11 kids will travel.


Hotel: **7 rooms (1 for coaches; 6 players). Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. **Hotel: Quality Inn, Schaumburg.  3 Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. $89 plus tax ( $102.35). For reservations: email Rolando Ramirez:


Friday-Saturday, April 18-19. Dual w/ Whitney Young  GBW Tournament. Top 8. Leave at 8:15 a.m. Drive to Chicago. Play  Whitney Young HS at 3:30 in downtown Chicago. Then, play the Glenbard West Tournament at GBW and other schools in that vicinity. 5 rooms. 


**Hotel: 5 rooms. Quality Inn, Schaumburg. Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. $89 plus tax ( $102.35). For reservations: email Rolando Ramirez:



Friday-Saturday,  May 2-3. Pitchford Tournament

6 kids. 2 singles and 2 doubles.  Leave from EHS after first hour; return late Saturday night. Hosted by John Hersey HS in Arlington Heights; played at many sites around there.

**Hotel: 4 rooms. Quality Inn, Schaumburg.  Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. $89 plus tax ($102.35). For reservations, email Rolando Ramirez at


Friday/Saturday, May 9-10. Napervalley Invitational.

8 kids; top 4 doubles teams. (with Coach Schlueter). Leave at 8:30 (immediately after 1st hour) from EHS Tennis Ctr. Play Napervalley Tournament in the Naperville area on Friday and Saturday at 4 different sites. Return late Saturday evening.

**Hotel: Quality Inn, Schaumburg. 5 rooms (1 for coaches; 3 players). Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. $89 plus tax ($102.35). For reservations: email Rolando Ramirez:


Wednesday-Saturday, May 28-31. State Tournament.

 (with Coaches Schlueter and TBA). 10 rooms reserved. Parents, please let Coach Lipe know if you need a room. Leave at 10:00 from EHS on Wednesday. Practice on Wednesday. Participate Thursday through Saturday. Return late Saturday evening.


**Hotel: Quality Inn, Schaumburg. 10 rooms (2 for coaches; 3 players; 5 set aside for parents: first come, first serve). Higgins Road. Ph: 847.517.7737. $89 plus tax ($102.35). For reservations, email Rolando Ramirez at



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